Banking and Insurance (Part 4)

24 Feb 2015

(31) The 11th Five Year Plan is termed as plan for.


 (1) India’s Health


 (2) Eradication of poverty from\r\nIndia


 (3) India’s Education


 (4) Development of Rural India


 (5) None of the above




(32) The World Investment Report 2008 was released in September 20This report\r\nis published every year by:


 (1) Government of India


 (2) World Trade Organisation (WTO)


 (3) Asian Development Bank (ADB)


 (4) United Nations Conference on\r\nTrade and Development (UNCTAD)


 (5) None of the above




(33) The actual return of an investor is reduced sometimes as the prices of the\r\ncommodities go up all of a sudden. In financial sector this type of phenomenon\r\nis known as:


 (1) Probability risk


 (2) Market risk


 (3) Inflation risk


 (4) Credit risk


 (5) None of the above




(34) As per BASEL-II norms, a bank’s capital to risk weighted assets ratio\r\n(CRAR) should be at least?


 (1) 8%


 (2) 10%


 (3) 12%


 (4) 14%


 (5) None of the above




(35) Which of the following apex body and regulators has asked banks to swap\r\ncustomer related information so that the frauds and defaults may be prevented\r\nin future?


 (1) Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)


 (2) Indian Banks Association (IBA)


 (3) Securities & Exchange Board\r\nof India (SEBI)


 (4) Reserve Bank of India (RBI)


 (5) none of above




(36) Which sector contributes the maximum share in National income of India?


 (1) Primary


 (2) Secondary


 (3) Tertiary


 (4) All the above


 (5) none of above




(37) IMF is the result of


 (1) Hawana Conference


 (2) Rome C onference


 (3) Brettonwood Conference


 (4) Geneva C onference


 (5) none of above




(38) As we all know some new initiatives were introduced in the area of Fiscal\r\nManagement by the government of India. Which of the following acts was passed a\r\nfew years back to keep a check on the fiscal indiscipline on macroeconomic\r\nparameters?


 (1) FERA


 (2) FRBMA


 (3) FEMA


 (4) Public Debt Act


 (5) None of the above




(39) Which one of the following will not act as an incentive for exports ?


 (1) Raising the internal value of\r\nmoney


 (2) Lowering the prices of goods\r\nwithin the country


 (3) Internal devaluation of money


 (4) Granting low interest loans for\r\nexports.


 (5) None of the above






(40) Which of the following correctly describes what sub-prime lending is?


 (1) Lending to the people with less\r\nthan ideal credit status.


 (2) Lending to the people who are\r\nhigh value customers of the banks.


 (3) Lending to those who are not a\r\nregular customer


 (1) Only 1 (2) Only 2


 (3) Only 3 (4) All


 (5) None of the above



\r\n\r\nAnswers : (31) 3 (32) 4 (33) 1 (34) 3 (35) 4 (36) 3\r\n(37) 3 (38) 2 (39) 1 (40) 1


Banking Awareness