Banking and Insurance (Part 22)

14 Mar 2015

(211) The price in financial markets is known as ________.


 (1) Rate of interest


 (2) Capital Input


 (3) Social cost


 (4) Advanced profit


 (5) Capital finance




(212) A credit facility under which a borrower can withdraw up a certain limit\r\nsubject to availability of adequate security is :-


 (1) CRR


 (2) FDI


 (3) ISI


 (4) Cash Credit account


 (5) None of the above




(213) Treasuries could be either those of the :-


 (1) Private Sector Cos


 (2) Govt.bodies


 (3) PSUs 


 (4) (1)&(2) are true


 (5) (1),(2)&(3) are true




(214) Treasury Bills are actually a class of :-


 (1) Treasure Document


 (2) FDI


 (3) ISI 


 (4) CRR


 (5) Govt.Securities




(215) The ________ regulation makes the banks the largest investor in the GOI\r\nsecurities.


 (1) ISI


 (2) FDI


 (3) CRR


 (4) SEBI


 (5) SLR




(216) Most of the Indian PS Banks practice ____.


 (1) retail banking


 (2) domestic banking


 (3) foreign banking


 (4) Village banking


 (5) none of the above




(217) The overdraft facility is also known as _____.


 (1) banker’s guarantee


 (2) Cash credit facility


 (3) depositor’s security


 (4) cash liberty  


 (5) none of the above




(218) EXIM Bank provides financial assistance to:-


 (1) Indian Companies


 (2) Commercial Banks


 (3) Foreign Governments


 (4) (1)&(2) are true


 (5) (1),(2)&(3) are true




(219) 55% of HUDCO loans are earmarked for________& low income groups.


 (1) Stronger section


 (2) Mediocar section


 (3) Weaker sections


 (4) (1)&(2) are true


 (5) (1),(2)&(3) are true




(220) Financial Services offered by PFC include :-


 (1) Term loans


 (2) lease finance


 (3) Loan Syndication


 (4) (1)&(2) are true


 (5) (1),(2)&(3) are true




Answers : (211) 1 (212) 4 (213) 5 (214) 5 (215) 5  (216) 1 (217) 2 (218) 5 (219) 3 (220) 5


Banking Awareness