Banking and Insurance (Part 18)

10 Mar 2015

(171) Which petroleum company has introduced an improved quality petrol called\r\n‘Speed’?


 (1) Bharat Petroleum


 (2) Indian Oil


 (3) Hindustan Petroleum


 (4) None of these


 (5) All of above




(172) What is Value Added Tax (VAT)


 (1) A simple, transparent, easy to\r\npay tax imposed on consumers


 (2) A new initiative taken by the\r\ngovernment to increase the tax-burden of high income groups


 (3) A single tax that replaces state\r\ntaxes like, surcharge turnover tax and sales tax, etc.


 (4) A new tax to be imposed on the\r\nproducers of capital goods


 (5) none of above




(173) The difference between visible exports and visible imports is defined as —


 (1) Balance of trade


 (2) Balance of payment


 (3) Balanced terms of trade


 (4) Coins from trade


 (5) none of above




(174) The apex institution in the field of Industrial Development is :-


 (1) Supreme Court


 (2) RBI


 (3) IDBI  


 (4) (1) & (2) are true


 (5) (1), (2) & (3) are true




(175) A member’s IMF Quota determines its :-


 (1) Financial commitment


 (2) Voting power


 (3) Drawing power


 (4) (1) & (2) are true


  (5) (1), (2) & (3) are true




(176) CP is a usance promissory note hence it can be negotiated by ________ .


 (1) endorsement &


 (2) delivery


 (3) (1) & (2) are true


 (4) RBI


 (5) All are true




(177) The objective of ICICI was to assist the :-


 (1) RBI


 (2) Private sector


 (3) SBI


 (4) (1) & (2) are true


 (5) (1), (2) & (3) are true




(178) NABARD provides _____ refinance for procurement activities also.


 (1) Short Term


 (2) Long Term


 (3) Medium Term


 (4) (1) & (2) are true


 (5) (1), (2) & (3) are true




(179) Period of Holiday Insurance is ________.


 (1) Ten months or less


 (2) Twelve months or less


 (3) Six months or less


 (4) (1) & (2) are true


 (5) (1), (2) & (3) are true




(180) The first long term industrial financing corporation set up in the country\r\nwas :-


 (1) IFCI


 (2) Hindalco


 (3) ICICI


 (4) (1) & (2) are true


 (5) (1), (2) & (3) are true



\r\n\r\nAnswers : (171) 1 (172) 1 (173) 1 (174) 3 (175) 5  (176) 3 (177) 2 (178) 1 (179) 3 (180) 1


Banking Awareness