Banking and Insurance (Part 23)

15 Mar 2015

(221) The currency notes issued by RBI are legal tender everywhere in India\r\n_____.


 (1) with limit of 50 crorers


 (2) with limit of 100 crorers


 (3) without any limit


 (4) (1)&(2) are true


 (5) (1),(2)&(3) are true




(222) The financial Assistance provided by the IMF enables member countries to\r\n:-


 (1) Rebuild resources


 (2) Stabilise currencies


 (3) Pay for imports


 (4) (1)&(2) are true


 (5) (1),(2)&(3) are true




(223) The term ________ refers to the act of a bank extending finance to the\r\nseller against a letter of  credit.


 (1) Credit finance


 (2) Balancing


 (3) Negotiation


 (4) Over Draft


 (5) None of above




(224) Soft Loan Scheme for modernisation is provided by :-


 (1) IFCI


 (2) ICICI


 (3) SIDBI


 (4) (1)&(2) are true


 (5) (1),(2)&(3) are true




(225) Under MIGA the World bank offers various forms of _____ Insurance.


 (1) Political


 (2) Social


 (3) Public


 (4) (1)&(2) are true


 (5) (1),(2)&(3) are true




(226) Commercial Papers are issued by :-


 (1) Corporates


 (2) Private


 (3) Government


 (4) RBI


 (5) none of above




(227) Investment on a monthly basis and repayment on due date is made in :-


 (1) Fixed deposite


 (2) Saving Account


 (3) Recurring deposit


 (4) Current Account


 (5) None of the above




(228) IDBI was delinked from RBI and it became autonomous in the year :-


 (1) 1973


 (2) 1974


 (3) 1975


 (4) 1976


 (5) 1977




(229) The largest member of the IMF is the :-


 (1) Canada


 (2) China


 (3) U.S.A.


 (4) Russia


 (5) None of above




(230) The foreign currency account maintained by an authorised dealer with its\r\ncorrespondent abroad is :-


 (1) Vastro Account


 (2) Capital Account


 (3) Nostro Account


 (4) (1)&(2) are true


 (5) (1),(2)&(3) are true




Answers : (221) 3 (222) 5 (223) 3 (224) 5 (225) 1  (226) 1 (227) 3 (228) 4 (229) 3 (230) 3


Banking Awareness